Tuesday, October 2, 2012



Yvonne's "Single&Married"
For many who came to watch actress Yvonne Nelson’s first and latest movie Single and married, it was a movie with lots of lessons and mixed feelings.  For some critics, it was a replica of   the 2012 American movie ‘think like a man’. For these critics, they argued that Director Pascal Amanfo is known for what they will call ‘copying technique’.
But is it really? 

Well script writer and director of the movie Pascal Amanfo say that he has not watched the supposed photo copied movie in question. He 
explains that ‘in Single and Married, ‘I tried to portray why men cheat and lie, even when they are married and seem happy’. So I asked him, if the question of why men lie and cheat was answered in the movie? The Nollywood Director reiterated; that a married man who cheats, always remembers that in the end, he has a family to go home to.

If you are a critical Ghanaian movie watcher, you may notice that Pascal Amanfo is fond of using a narrator in his movies. For instance he used a narrator in Bed of Roses, Single Six, and now single and Married.  With what he prefers to call a Pascal Amanfo signature or EXPRESSION, the Nollywood Director explains to me that, it’s a technique he loves to use.  ‘For me, I feel the viewer gets extra information that was not provided in the  movie’.

The movie premier of single and married witnessed a star studded attendance and what I will call make a date with your favourite celebrity for a photo shoot. Talking to some of the characters in the   movie, actor Chris Attoh disclosed that the adult content in the movie, attracted him to the script.  He also added that he had never worked with director Pascal, so he wanted to help tell the  story, since it had to do with a critical social issue. Actor Eddie Watson, who for  me seemed to be playing stereotype roles of  a young man who is always cheating on ladies in recent movies denied that  he is being stereotyped, but for him ‘ Marriage  is not all rosy like it is perceived’.
Elliot, the new entrant in the movie admitted, ‘it was nervy in the beginning, was later comfortable on set’.
Yvonne with some cast in the movie

Yvonne with fellow actors who came to support her

Some friends and Cast in the movie

Single and Married has different characters fused together to tell the story. Except for it probably being a copied version of Think like a man, it had good locations, great make up, humour and a practical story line. Actress Yvonne Nelson produced the movie, financed it and also played one of the characters in the movies. Sharing her multitasking experience, Yvonne describes it as ‘challenging and difficult’.
A scene in "Single and Married"

Well for a movie, which centred on why men lie and cheat, the audience consisted of more women who had smiles on their faces at the close of the premier. Perhaps they found answers to why men cheat and how they can avert it. That’s, if it is possible!

Producer of "Single &Married" 
Now let me share one of single and married rules in the movie. Never introduce a single lady who has bigger breasts than yours to your dear husband. Did that make sense! Better yet watch the movie and be a judge for yourself.

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